A vibrant arts centre in the historic market and university town of Ormskirk.

Magic Live Lounge – Friday 9th December 2022


After 4 consecutive sell out shows The Magic Live Lounge returns to The Chapel with a special Christmas show!

The event will be hosted by Sleight of Hand Sensation Mark Roberts with the following acts scheduled to appear:

The Great Borrini - Gentleman of Mystery

Mason King - Mind Reader & Mentalist

Andrew James - Funnyman & Master Magician

Paul Sylvester - Magic’s Best Kept Secret

Doors will open at 7pm with live music in the bar from local acoustic performer Stuart Belcher as well as close up magic from Spanish Magician Alvaro with the main show then starting at 8pm.

Select/enter how many tickets you want to purchase in the grey box below, then click ‘Add to cart’ unless you are paying with G pay. To pay, go to ‘View cart’ after you have added your tickets.
Please note that we don’t issue tickets for event bookings. You will be asked for details of the booking to gain access to the event.

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After 4 consecutive sell out shows The Magic Live Lounge returns to The Chapel with a special Christmas show!

The event will be hosted by Sleight of Hand Sensation Mark Roberts with the following acts scheduled to appear:

The Great Borrini - Gentleman of Mystery

Mason King - Mind Reader & Mentalist

Andrew James - Funnyman & Master Magician

Paul Sylvester - Magic’s Best Kept Secret

Doors will open at 7pm with live music in the bar from local acoustic performer Stuart Belcher as well as close up magic from Spanish Magician Alvaro with the main show then starting at 8pm.


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